SEARCHING FOR PHYSICAL EVIDENCE IN THE Crime Scene: Types of evidence at the Crime Scene and the importance of evidence collection OBJECTS BODY Material Imprints Weapons blood fingerprints tools Semen tires track the footprints of firearms, hair, and footprints. furnishings Tissue palm prints note documents or letters Spittle tool marks the bullet holes of Urine and Bullets Vehicles Feces Newly damaged regions Cigarette butts/cigarettes Vomit Dents and fractures. Searching for and identifying physical evidence from the crime scene Investigators must scrutinize every crime scene to identify physical evidence that could be relevant to the investigation and, ultimately, an eventual trial for the suspect. The above kinds of evidence from physical sources aren’t exhaustive, and the private detective agency in Pakistan or private detective in Pakistan or private detective in Islamabad must take care to evaluate every piece of evidence that could be used and excludes evidence that is not likely to be relevant to the trial. Certain evidence pieces could be hidden from view which is why IOs are advised to conduct a thorough search at the crime scene in order to discover evidence that is valuable. It is essential to conduct the search with care because important evidence may be destroyed if care is not taken. There are several ways of searching that can be utilized in various scenarios depending on the information available to you and your sources.
Strip and Lane Search Method: This method is employed to cover vast or open areas. People conducting the search form a line shoulder-to-shoulder or at a distance of about an arm’s length from one another, and traverse the site in straight lines simultaneously. If a piece is located, the person should contact to the private detective agency in Pakistan or private detective in Pakistan or private detective in Islamabad and inform them of the finding for the collection. This procedure is shown here. A Grid Search method is a more comprehensive variation of the Strip (or Lane Search. When the search team completes the search using one direction e.g. North-South, they’ll perform a second search using an alternate direction e.g. East-West, as shown below in c. The Zone Search or the Sector Search method Distance: Arm’s Length GROID SEARCH METHOD Use the search method on Axis 1 North-South Search on Axis 2 East-West 39 The crime Scene can be divided into sectors or zones. Each person participating in the investigation is assigned a zone or sector to look for. The zones are then examined by additional officers in order to ensure a thorough search. D. Circular or Spiral Search This technique is mostly employed for crime scenes that are outdoors and includes the IO moving from the outer area that surrounds the crime site toward the center of the scene in circular directions.

The first officer would move in an upward direction around the scene of the crime looking for evidence that is above waist height and up to the ceiling. The second private detective agency in Pakistan or private detective in Pakistan or private detective in Islamabad searches counter-clockwise, looking for evidence that is below waist height, and also to the floor. When the officers have passed one another, they switch roles and repeat the procedure. Wheel Search Method This method is employed at the scene of the crime in cases where the investigator must look deep and thorough. This method is highly efficient in blast crime scenes in which hundreds of objects are smashed into pieces. The investigator must first locate a focal point by using an inner cordon and then establish several zones around the region with an outer cordon of a shape of a wheel.
SEARCHING FOR PHOTOSICAL EVIDENCE IN THE Crime Scene Once evidence is discovered it is the responsibility of the IO to gather it in the right way so that it is studied by the agency concerned or an expert. In certain instances, the private detective agency in Pakistan or private detective in Pakistan or private detective in Islamabad, or Crime Scene Units are brought into the scene to gather evidence. They are Specially educated and equipped to gather and label, package, and transport evidence that is found at the scene of the crime. But, they might not be always readily available, and not all situations are going to require them. Therefore, it is essential that the IO is well-aware of how to gather and package and label, store and move physical evidence from the scene of the crime.